Shippo return shipping now available through ReturnZap

Shopify sellers using ReturnZap can now connect Shippo accounts to create return shipping labels

What is Shippo

Shippo is a software solution which aggregates multiple shipping carriers into a single platform. Shippo provides access to over 85 carriers around the world, with options to connect your own shipping accounts (if you have one) or to ship using Shippo's turnkey carrier offerings.

Shippo offers several plan tiers - including a free plan, which gives immediate access to Shippo's negotiated shipping rates and carrier accounts for USPS, UPS, and DHL.

Benefits of Using Shippo

Shopify sellers can tap into numerous Shippo benefits which can save time and money when creating return shipping labels:

  1. Single point of integration to create return shipping labels in ReturnZap
  2. Support for dozens of carriers worldwide
  3. Turn key global accounts with negotiated rates with USPS, UPS, Evri, Sendle, and more
  4. Support for pay-on-scan return shipping labels
  5. QR code dropoff returns, depending on the carrier
  6. Up to date tracking information with delivery confirmation

Supported Carriers

If you have an existing account with a shipping carrier and you want to use it to create return shipping labels for Shopify orders, chances are that Shippo can meet your needs!

Shippo provides integrations with over 85 carriers worldwide, with strong coverage in the USA, UK, Europe, and Australia. Major carrier integrations include:

  • USPS
  • FedEx
  • UPS
  • DHL and DHL Express
  • Australia Post
  • Evri
  • Royal Mail
  • DPD
  • Canada Post
  • Dozens more

See all carriers supported by Shippo.

How Return Shipping Works in Shippo

When ReturnZap creates a shipping label through a Shippo integration, we pass a flag that tells Shippo that this is a return shipment. This enables pay-on-scan functionality for supported carriers, and will automatically use return shipping methods when available.

ReturnZap will compare all available and enabled shipping methods on your connected Shippo account, and will select the most economical method to save you money.

How to Connect Shippo to ReturnZap

Connecting Shippo to ReturnZap is easy. Simply generate a Shippo API key from the Shippo settings page, and paste it into ReturnZap settings directly in the Shopify admin.

Read our guide on connecting Shippo to ReturnZap and start generating return shipping labels today.

David Amouyal
March 13, 2024

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