How To Create Canadian Return Labels For Shopify

Shopify Doesn't Natively Support Canadian Return Labels

Shopify offers merchants the ability to create outbound shipping labels using a dozen different carriers for merchants in 7 different countries.

Shopify merchants based in Canada can use Shopify's account to generate Canada Post labels for their outbound shipments. But what about returns?

Current Shopify Returns Options are Limited

Shopify currently only supports the ability to create return shipping labels within Shopify for merchants based in the United States.

Unfortunately, Shopify's native integration with Canada Post for outbound shipping does not extend to return shipping labels. Canadian sellers are left to their own devices to figure out how to create return labels for their customers.

Shopify is based in Canada but generated Canadian return labels is difficult
Despite being based in Canada, Shopify does not make it easy for merchants to generate Canadian return labels

Return Label Options for Canadian Shopify Merchants

Luckily for Shopify stores based in Canada, there are several options available to create return shipping labels for your customers. Options range from manually generating and issuing return labels from a carrier website to automating your process using a dedicated returns management app.

Option #1 - Use a Shopify returns app that supports Canadian return labels

The Shopify app store has many apps to create Canadian return labels

The Shopify app store hosts almost 8,000 third party apps that extend the base functionality of ReturnZap and allow you to customize your store in numerous ways.

Several of these apps are focused on streamlining the customer returns process and allow Canadian merchants to generate return labels.

We may be biased, but we believe that ReturnZap is the best returns management app for creating Canadian return shipping labels.

With ReturnZap, you get a dedicated customer returns portal that you can embed directly into your Shopify storefront. ReturnZap allows you to create Canadian return labels using preferred carriers like Canada Post, Purolator, UPS and FedEx.

Read more about how ReturnZap supports Canadian return labels for Shopify >

  • Allows for automated creation of return labels using a variety of Canadian shipping carriers
  • Immediate visibility to tracking information to see return progress
  • Self service customer portal avoids the need for manual customer service integration

Option #2 - Manually purchase return labels and email to customers

If a dedicated Shopify returns app is not the right fit, Shopify sellers based in Canada also have the option of manually managing customer return labels. There are a few steps to accomplish this:

  1. Update your Shopify refund and return policy to outline the process you wish customers to follow. This usually involves emailing in to customer service explaining the need for a return and requesting an RMA and a return shipping label.
  2. Establish a shipping account with the carrier of your choice that supports Canadian return labels. ReturnZap recommends Canada Post.  
  3. Get familiar with the process to initiate and purchase a return label on the Canada Post website
  4. For each return request, review the email and then purchase a return label on behalf of your customer directly with the carrier
  5. Make note of the tracking number and email the label to your customer
Canada Post allows you to purchase return labels directly on its website
Shopify merchants can purchase return shipping labels directly on carrier websites
  • No app required, can be handled entirely over email
  • Gives sellers the ability to engage directly with customers and potentially avoid the need for a return
  • Manual process with multiple steps involved
  • Difficult to keep track of more than a small handful of return shipments
  • Delays for customers while they wait for their return shipping labels
  • Requires established shipping accounts with a carrier like Canada Post or Purolator

Option #3 - Manually purchase return labels and upload to Shopify

Shopify gives Canadian sellers the option to purchase return labels off platform and upload relevant information into Shopify.To accomplish this, navigate to an order for one of your customers based in Canada. In the header, click "Return Items" and follow the instructions in the following page. It should look like the image below.Shopify gives you a few options here:

  1. Upload a return label from a carrier like Canada Post or Purolator
  2. Add a direct link to an externally hosted return shipping label
  3. Copy and paste in the tracking number and shipping carrier for the package
  4. Optional - Create a return and issue a refund when shipping is not required for the item
Shopify allows sellers in Canada to upload return labels
The Shopify upload flow for return shipping labels
  • Same benefits of option #3 above
  • Deeper integration within Shopify allows for more professional flow, automated communication within Shopify
  • Allows sellers to input tracking information to monitor return progress back to them
  • Has all the same manual drawbacks as the email workflow
  • More opportunity for human error when uploading return label PDFs and copying and pasting tracking information

Option #4 - Require customers to arrange their own shipping

One way that Canadian sellers can manage their customer returns is to avoid the need to create return labels altogether and ask their customers to simply arrange their own shipping.This is perhaps the simplest method, as it does not require any action on the part of the seller other than processing the return when it arrives.

  • No need to worry about creating a return label upfront
  • Cost is passed along to customer
  • Easiest to implement, just needs to be incorporated into a Canadian store's return policy
  • Not very customer friendly
  • Seller may wish to offer free return shipping, or give customers flexibility
  • No visibility to inbound returns, getting return label tracking from customers is a pain and requires manual outreach

Canadian Shopify Merchants Have Options For Returns

Even though Shopify does not make it as easy for Canadian sellers to create return labels within the platform there are still several options available to streamline customer returns within Canada.

  1. Third party apps like ReturnZap automate this and create a customer friendly, automated workflow
  2. Canadian merchants can purchase return labels and issue them manually via email
  3. Purchased return labels can be uploaded directly into Shopify and associated with an order
  4. Merchants have the ability to pass return shipping responsibility on to their customers

No matter how you approach the logistics, offering a clear returns policy and a streamlined process is important and a clear differentiator when it comes to offering a top notch customer experience.

Automate Your Returns Process With ReturnZap

ReturnZap gives you a customer returns portal, powerful return rules, customizable policies, integrated RMAs and shipping labels and more to help automate your Shopify customer returns process and save you time.

David Amouyal
August 15, 2022

Join hundreds of other Shopify merchants successfully managing their returns with ReturnZap

Start Your Free ReturnZap Trial Today

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